Admission and Examination Portal

ABC ID Creation Steps

Admission Notification 2024-25 January Cycle


Online Registration

using online Admission Portal


Application Submission

through online or you can visit regional centres or Study centres..


Document Verification

you have to visit Regional Centres..


Lesson Collection

you can collect lessons in Regional Centres..


Q: Is it compulsory to register myself before submitting an admission form online?
Ans:Yes, it is compulsory to register with our Online Admission System before you can submit your admission form online.

Q: Is Email address compulsory to fill online application form?
Ans:Yes, you are required to use E-mail address to register for Online Admission.

Q: If the power/internet connection fails during the application process, what should I do?
Ans:Since the data is saved at the end of every stage with the 'Save' button, your data is automatically saved till the previous stage. If you are within a particular stage and the system is interrupted due to power failure or loss of connectivity, then your current stage data will not be saved. Please log in again using your ID and password and complete the form submission process from the stage where the system got interrupted.

Q: What is the detailed process for submission of online application form and action to be taken by the candidate?
Ans:The submission of admission form passes through the following stages:
  • (a).Open the URL (
  • (b).Complete Registration process (which creates ‘User Name’ and ‘Password’ for you).
  • (c).Your ‘User Name’ and ‘Password’ is informed through SMS.
  • (d).Re-login to the system using your ‘User Name’ and ‘Password.’
  • (e).Fill Admission Form online.
  • (f).Upload your recent passport size Photograph (maximum size 10KB to 50KB in JPG format).
  • (g).Upload your specimen signature (maximum size 10KB t0 50KB in JPG format).
  • (h).Upload your Self attested Documents(Sslc,Puc,Degree Marks Card) (maximum size 10KB t0 150KB in pdf/JPG format).
  • (i).Read the instruction and declaration carefully by clicking the ‘Declaration’ box.
  • (j).Preview your data and confirm details.
  • (k).Make payment of Fee through the Credit/Debit card/Net Banking.
  • (l).Payment confirmation message is sent to you through SMS and email.
  • (m).Press Next button to see the form preview.
  • (n).After the final submission of online application form, your may download the filled in application form and keep a printout for your record.

  • Q: How should I pay the programme fee?
    Ans: Programme fee for online Admission can be paid through credit/debit card/ net banking.

    Q: What kinds of Credit/Debit cards are accepted for payment of the programme fee? Is there Internet banking facility is also available?
    Ans: The Visa,Rupay and Master Cards are accepted for making the payment of programme fee. Yes, the payment of fee can also be made through Net Banking.

    Q: Payment has been deducted from Credit Card/Debit Card/ my account but I have not received any confirmation. What should I do?
    Ans: If the payment has been deducted but you did not get acknowledgement for the same, please you can contact techinical helpline, techinical helpline no is in website, before contact helpline make sure your mobileno,email,transaction no.

    Q: After Payment of the application fee, what information shall I receive through email/SMS?
    Ans: You will get the confirmation of payment made by you through SMS.

    Q: Where do I have to contact after successful submission of form?
    Ans: Once the application Form is successfully submitted, your form will be scrutinised by KSOU staff and if it fulfils the eligibility criteria you will receive a confirmation to that effect at your registered Mobile Number. If a deficiency is found in the application, you will receive a communication from KSOU informing you about the discrepancy. After successful processing of your form, the University will provide you further information with regard to confirmation of your admission, allotment of study centre and other details for induction etc. in due course of time.

    Q: What is the time frame for getting confirmation of my admission?
    Ans: The Admission forms submitted through the Online Admission System are scrutinised and confirmed for admission subject to fulfilment of eligibility criteria. The forms are processed region wise on a first come first serve basis. Therefore, the time required for processing of forms for different Regional Centres may vary depending on the number of applicants from the respective regions.

    Q: If I want to withdraw from the programme after confirmation of my admission, shall I get my fee refunded?
    Ans: Yes, University has a limited provision for cancellation of Programme and refund of fee as prescribed in the Refund Policy of the University. You may refer to the guidelines pertaining to ‘Refund of Fee’ under the ‘University Rules’ section of the KSOU Common Prospectus. In cases where University denies admission, the programme fee will be refunded after deduction of processing fee, if any. The refund amount will be transferred electronically to the credit/debit/net banking account from where payment was made.

    Q: As a student of KSOU, shall I get access to library facility?
    Ans: Please Contact the University.

    Q: Can I join two Programmes of KSOU at a time?
    Ans: Yes,You may refer the ‘University Rules’ section of the KSOU Common Prospectus.

    Q: Are the Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates awarded by KSOU recognized by UGC?
    Ans: Yes, recognized by UGC.


    General Queries

    Related to the programmes & courses offered by KSOU, their eligibility, duration, admission process,Document Verification, assigment, study centres etc. and specific queries related to the courses and Department Conatct Nos. please check Prospectus


    Online Admissions

    For specific and technical problems related to online admission, submission of online applications, online payment, payment error,payment failure,duplicate challens uploading documents etc. please contact at
